Planning Matter$

The following 100 plus published articles, all written by Murray, appeared as regular features to both the Business Gazette and Campbell River Courier-Islander over many years. While both publications have since ceased service Murray continues to write monthly newsletters to his clientele on the geopolitical and macroeconomic landscapes that affect the investment climate.

While they summarize general economic and financial planning principles, these are opinion pieces and should not be considered a replacement to advice tailored to your particular circumstances.


Benefits of Investment Counsel Firms
Wed, 2014-09-24
Once reserved for only the wealthy, access to investment counsel firms have become more commonplace in recent years. At minimum, one requires obtaining a Portfolio Manager designation or similar and...
10 Things You Can Do Today
Wed, 2014-09-10
Many will remember the tv commercial of the mechanic who looks up at the owner of a car and says, "you can pay me now or you can pay me later." The commercial was for Fram and the inference was that...
Barnacles and Boomerangs
Wed, 2014-08-27
Both my grandfathers were born in Europe.  Both made their way to this country with little in their pockets.  Both by themselves, both as teenagers. Times have changed.  The when, how...
Emergency Fund
Wed, 2014-08-13
I've never logged, worked in a mine or a pulp mill.  The closest I got was a summer job at the former Raven Lumber.  What these occupations had in common was that they were all subject to...
Keeping up with the Joneses
Wed, 2014-07-30
Keeping up with the Joneses commonly refers to our desire to have (or at least appear to have) the material wealth of our peers.  For at the heart of all social interactions is our desire to fit...
Intergenerational Wealth Transfer
Wed, 2014-07-16
Many seniors today have benefitted from both the fortunate times they were born in and their own good financial habits.  It didn't start out this way as most lived in modest homes, many with a...